First Day On Nootropics

3 minute read

Nootropics: Part 1 - My first Day

A year ago I was talking to a friend about his lunch. I was asking how he could just drink a goomy like liquid and said he has “eaten”. Eating mean food, like tomatoes, quinoa … and meat and sugar. Right ?

He explain his reasons to me, mostly cheap meals for what I recall. But, you know what ? I was kinda hyped by the look, the possibilities and the simplicity of it all.

So I ask him where he buys it and he point me to a website called Feed. Excited but a bit sceptical I decide to give it a try, brought a big bag of powder, and wait for it.

Let’s be honest for a second: It was bad. Not that bad, but still. It taste like candy, a salt candy with lumps. the next day we were talking about my first time eating powder for breakfast when he said something like “And you know, Feed has the best flavor”

Never trust his tastes, never, ever. But a the time it was a funny one. For a second.

But I keep trying. I dont realy understand it myself, it’s just that it was simpler than a real meal and well balanced. I think the simple part is more important to me. The strange and “hipster” style I felled may had some importance too.

Ten month later, a co-worker came and eat the same kind of meal but from a different company. A second later we were exploring this new company website. My friend choose some bars which are also complete meals. In the footer of the page was a different product: a nootropics.

From this moment in this article I think it’s important to say I did not know this word before. Since then I’ve made a ton a research but a this moment, I didn’t know anything.

So I google the word I found a wikipedia page. “Nootropics are drugs […] that may improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity …”

Why did I hear of this just now ? This look so cool and shit.

That’s all I was capable of thinking. So I brought a pre-made box.

In the next week-end, I was excited, like really excited. But worried too. I mean, it does look too good to be true. And nootropics are still drugs, which are dangerous. So I spent my whole week-end reading about it. I search for data, for markets, for studies. I found a lot of believers, even some scientific articles. But nothing was ever saying to not take some. At worst it was said to have no effects. This whole thing feels a bit like religion, flat hearth and other bullshits. I look for debunks, but found literally no one, NO ONE.

Feeling a bit better I decide to test it as soon as it get there. And here I am, after a full day of works on nootropics.

So how do I feel ?

Good, a bit tense.

Was I faster ? Can I shoot lightnings ?

Yes, and nearly, but no.

For the whole day I was thinking faster. Not like a speedster, more a galon full of cafeine. I already have drink enough coffe to think like that, it never last. But this time it did. I felt faster, more accurate and see clearer throught people. But I was a bit careless too. I made small mistake, did error while writing …

So in the end, do I like it ? I’m not gonna choose right here at the second. The first day is a win, let’s see in times.
